Title - In "Attack of the Clones", at the end the Republic is sending the Clone Army into battle against the Separatists and Yoda says, "Begun the Clone War has".
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 12:37:07 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
Sorry dad for the Attack of the Clones quote. I'm getting close to the end here and I haven't seen Star Wars in almost two years so bear with me.
This week was amazing! We had Thanksgiving and we were able to see a ton of miracles in our ward!
Elder Fehlberg and I have really been striving recently to plan and use our time more effectively and it has really been showing forth in our efforts to bring others unto Christ. Although a lot of the appointments we scheduled for this weekend ended up cancelling, we're still working close with the people that we've met and striving to build relationships of trust with them. We've also been working as a district in being more united with eachother and with the ward in fulfilling our purpose of bringing others unto Christ. Something that we started doing this week is having each team in our district text a miracle of the day to the ward mission leader, Brother Kim, and then he has having him send it out to the members of the ward. It's been really cool to see the positive influence it's had on the ward and on us as missionaries. People are getting more excited about doing missionary work!
On Thursday it was Thanksgiving! It was awesome! Elder Fehlberg, the others elders, and I all were going to go to the American food buffet, but because of a limit on time, we ended up going to a Korean food buffet. Usually I'd be disappointed about not being able to eat American food on an American holiday, but I doubt I'll ever be able to eat Korean food on Thanksgiving again so it turned out being pretty awesome!
This weekend we had a miracle at English Class! The morning of one of our potential investigators texted us and said that he wanted to come and he did, plus he brought his friend! After the class, we were able to do a lesson with them! The kid who texted us received a Book of Mormon when we met him on the street, and he had read through 1 Nephi 10! What a miracle. They also accepted the invitation to be baptised. They both live in different areas, but the kid who texted us agreed to let us refer him to the elders in his area. Wow! Awesome!
On Sunday one of the recent convert members in our ward who hasn't been able to come to church in a while was able to come! He worked from 6:30pm to 6:30am the next morning, but still came and stayed for Sacrament meeting! The other elders also had one of their new investigators come too and he seems super prepared to receive the Gospel!
On Sunday night we had planned to visit a member, but as we were walking down the street, both Elder Fehlberg and I felt weird about it. I then had the idea that instead we should go back to the house and spend some time making calls to potential investigators. We both felt like this would be a good idea so we went back and did calls. Most of the people we called were either busy or not interested, but we were able to find one kid who was down to meet and schedule an appointment with him!
I love serving a mission and I love serving here in 상계 (Sanggye)! I love the people and the missionaries here so much and I am striving everyday to develop more Christ-like love for them and all those around me!
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Elder Hipps and Elder Huckvale stopped on their way to email to have an impromptu "photo shoot" for our Christmas cards...
He said they stopped in the middle of the street while the light was red to take this picture.
Some random group pics...
District with their AMAZING Ward Mission Leader, Kim Yung Gee (Brother Kim)
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