Title - In "Return of the Jedi", Luke has returned to Dagobah with the intentions of completing his Jedi training. When he gets there, he finds that Yoda has become sick and Yoda says, "Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep." And then Luke says, "Master Yoda, you can't die." And then Yoda says, "Strong am I with the Force, but not that strong."
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 12:09:31 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
Sorry for the weak e-mail last week.
This week was really awesome! Elder Fehlberg and I are having an awesome time here in 상계 (Sanggye) as we serve the Lord and His children!
On Wednesday we went to the office for a zone conference! At first we talked about the the Church's Christmas initiative for this year called "Light the World" and it looks really awesome! Pretty much for every day of December, there is a way that we can serve like the Savior did. It's really cool and the video is awesome. I'm really excited to be able to spend the Christmas season sharing with others about the real reason why we celebrate Christmas as well as inviting them to serve as the Savior would. After we discussed that, we had a special speaker come named PJ Rogers. The conference was really good but we had to leave early to get back in time for an appointment.
On Friday we went streetboarding as a district for the first time in a while and it was really awesome! I caught a cold this week though and my voice was almost completely gone though, so it made it kind of difficult for me to talk, but it gave Elder Fehlberg a lot more opportunities to speak so it was good. While he was talking, I would be making gestures and then when he was done show them a scripture to back up what he said. It was pretty funny. ㅎㅎ Afterwards we went and found a really sick 닭갈비 (Chicken rib) buffet for only $10! What a steal!
On Saturday we had our ward's mini music night and it was awesome! The Bishop, our ward clerk, and some of the YSA sisters got together and formed a band and put on a concert. It was pretty incredible! I never thought on my mission I'd be watching my ward clerk singing "Desperado" in chapel. It was awesome!
On Sunday we went to a member's house and they fed us 홍어 (Hongo) which is like this fermented fish. It was pretty gross. The member, 최석현 (Brother Chwe) fed it to us just to mess with us though so it was all good.
It's so surreal to me how little time I have left as a missionary here in Korea. The more I get towards finishing my mission, the more I realize how much I need the Savior, Jesus Christ, and the all-saving power of His Atonement. I cannot do anything without Him. He is the Savior of the world and I know that He lives.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Conference with Elder Bednar
Trainers picking up their new trainees
Not too sure. :)
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