Title - In "The Empire Strikes Back", Luke has decided to leave his Jedi training early to go help his friends on Cloud City. After he leaves, Obi-Wan Kenobi's ghost says, "that boy is our last hope". And then Yoda says, "no, there is another".
Pics - See ya later, Elder Jung (Elder Huckvale's first "son"); celebrating Elder Baird's birthday; welcome to the new son, Elder Fehlberg!
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 12:22:08 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was really awesome! It was pretty hectic though...
On Monday and Tuesday since it was Elder Jung's last two days in 상계 (Sanggye), we went around spending time with some of the members that he had come to love while serving here. Of course this including a meeting as an entire district with our ward missionary leader, 김영기 (Brother Kim) who took us all to the meat buffet. Classic 김영기 형제님...
On Wednesday we had transfer day. Because of a scheduling conflict though, this transfer ends a week early so the missionaries from the MTC didn't get here until Friday night instead of Tuesday night. As a result, I spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in a threesome with Elder Baird and Elder Hipps. That was an adventure. On Friday it was Elder Baird's birthday, so we celebrated by going to Ashley's which is an American-style buffet. We continued the festivities on Saturday at our missionary coordination meeting and at our ward's FHE.
On Saturday morning I rushed down to the office to pick up my new trainee. His name is Elder Fehlberg and he's from Hungtington, Utah. I was expecting him to be a pretty quiet guy, but he's actually got quite a sense of humor. In some aspects he reminds me of my brother Luke. He told me this morning that his favorite singer is Adele. To quote him "She is simply the best. She is amazing." I thought Luke would appreciate that. Elder Fehlberg also studied Korean for a year before his mission so he's really good.
Sunday was really awesome. It was Elder Fehlberg's first time at church! We also had his first lesson with a potential investigator (who came to the Halloween Party last week) and it was really great. We taught with 하승민 (Brother Ha), who's one of the young men from our ward. He did so awesome!
Today we're just going to be running around the area running errands and then tonight we're going to be teaching English to a pair of 17-year-old girls so that should be interesting. Usually we don't teach women, but because both of the sister missionaries in our ward are Korean, they referred them to us. Should be fun.
This week was so awesome! I am so excited to be able to finish off my mission serving here in Sanggye. I love this ward and the people here so much! There was a long time on my mission where I couldn't find anyone to teach and I really think that the reason for it all comes down to my lack of charity. I kept thinking about myself and what I wanted to happen instead of what the Lord wanted for me and for His children. It seems that only now, at the end, am I starting to actually figure out why I came here. Oh the irony of the Gospel.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Celebrating Elder Baird's birthday
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