Title - At the end of "Return of the Jedi", Darth Vader has sacrificed himself to save Luke's life from the Emperor and his last dying wish is that Luke takes off his helmet so that he can look at him one time with "his own eyes", knowing that it will kill him.
Pics - Outgoing District. :(
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 12:00:51 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was pretty interesting! We did a lot of 전도 (proselyting)! We're starting to find new investigators! We got transfer calls!
On Wednesday we had our zone meeting and it was really awesome! We focused on finding, which is exactly what Elder Summers and I had been focusing on as a companionship. It was incredibly helpful! As a result of the training, Elder Summers and I have been trying even more diligently to talk with everyone and testify of the message of the Restoration.
On Thursday we spent the majority of the afternoon proselyting and visiting members. It was really hot, but it turned out to be really fun and we were able to find some people who have a lot of potential.
On Friday we met with a recent convert in the ward named 김종윤 (Jong Yun Kim) and we had a really good lesson with him about receiving personal revelation through prayer and reading the scriptures. He's in his first year of college and he's kind of trying to figure out what direction he wants to take his life in. It was a really awesome lesson! It showed me how much more powerful a lesson can be when we prepare according to their needs rather than teaching them just what we need to teach them.
Afterwards we met with a referral from some missionaries in a different area. He's a Canadian guy named Nathan! He's super nice and has a really strong Christian background. He met the missionaries and really wanted to get a copy of the Book of Mormon in English. We brought him a copy and did some getting to know him and introduced our purpose, etc. He's really cool, but I think he is mostly interested in the philosophical reasons as to why we believe what we believe. We'll continue to meet with him though and see what happens!
On Sunday we met with a new investigator who we're going to be doing the mission's English program with! Afterwards we ate dinner with some of the members from the ward as a ditrict before Elder Brantley goes home this Wednesday. It was all delicious and afterwards we got to sing songs from the childrens' songbook together which was really awesome.
Oh, as for transfers, I will be training in 상계 (Sanggye)! Elder Summers is getting transferred to 동해 (Dong Hae), which is out in the boonies, and Elder Tapan and Elder Brantley's team is getting closed. We were all really shocked when the call came because Elder Tapan and Elder Brantley have a really solid investigator who's scheduled to get baptized next month.
Anyways, I was able to learn a ton this transfer about the importance of diligence and remaining focused on doing the work of the Lord. I'm really excited to train this transfer and see even more miracles here in 상계!
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Outgoing District. :(
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