Title - In "Star Wars", Luke is leading an attack run down the trench towards the thermal exhaust port. As he gets closer, he turns on his targeting computer which will help him aim his torpedoes. All of a sudden, Luke hears Ben Kenobi's disembodied voice telling him, "use the Force, Luke...let go, Luke... Luke, trust me." Luke turns off the targeting computer and over the radio he hears a voice from the Rebel Base which says, "Luke, you've switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?" Luke then says, "nothing. I'm all right."
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 12:49:14 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week has been so awesome serving here in 상계 (Sanggye)! The new year is starting off great and we've been seeing a lot of miracles in our ward!
We had a lot of cancelled appointments this week and as a result did A LOT of proselyting activities. We also had some celebrations here and there for a variety of reasons.
On Wednesday at our English Class, we decided to invite one of the grandpas in our beginner class to church, and he came! We called the night before to confirm with him and he sounded really drunk, but nonetheless he came on Sunday and really enjoyed it! It was really exciting to have an investigator come to church for the first time in a while. We're going to start doing the Family English Program (30 minutes English 30 minutes Gospel) with him starting on Wednesday so we're really excited for him. He seems really interested in continuing to come out to church!
Also, last night we said goodbye to a family from our ward by throwing them a giant goodbye party. I'm really close with them, so it was really sad to see them go. After we ate a meal, the time was turned over to anyone that wanted to express their thoughts. A lot of the members of the ward got up, including me. As I sat there listening to the words of love and gratitude from the other members, I felt a strong prompting to stand up and say some things. I just thanked them and expressed my love for them. It was really awesome. I really felt like a member of the Sanggye Ward. I love the members so much and I'm so grateful for the privilege that I've had to serve alongside them for these past 7-8 months and be able to finish my mission with them.
I love the Lord and His work!
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Celebrating Elder Hipps' and one of the Sisters' birthdays
Street boarding - Facebook style
Apparently Elder Huckvale impulsively bought a $10 turtleneck. :)
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