Title - In "Star Wars", as the Millenium Falcon is escaping from the Death Star, Han and Luke are defending the ship using the laser cannons. Leia expresses her concerns about the integrity of the ship and Han says, "Don't worry. She'll hold together." And then, he repeats to himself, "Hear me, baby, hold together".
Pics - Christmas feast; Caroling; Cold!
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 12:17:56 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was awesome! The Christmas season is rapidly building up to its climax next weekend and it's an exciting time to be a missionary here in Korea!
On Thursday we went as a zone and sang Christmas carols to the people of Korea! It was awesome, but our zone caroling day just happened to fall on what was one of the coldest days of the year. It was very cold. We'll still had a blast though and were able to play a small part in helping the Korean people to feel the Spirit of Christmas! I think that our ward mission leader uploaded pictures and videos of it on Facebook so go check it out! You can see the cold in our eyes!
Not a super flattering picture... but can you see how cold he is????
On Saturday we had a pretty busy day. We met with a potential investigator who lived in Atlanta for 12 years and got hot chocolate with him. It was really great! He's got a lot of possibility!
On Sunday we had church and afterwards went as a district to eat dinner with a family in our ward. The mom, 이선미 (Sister Lee) served her mission in Provo and so she knows about a lot of American Christmas traditions and wanted to give us a good ol' Christmas family dinner. It was so awesome! She decorated really well and prepared a lot of food...maybe too much food...
Anyways, it was great. It really felt like home with some Korean fusion thrown in. It's not a meal if there's not rice and kimchi!
After the dinner we went to the church and met with one of investigators who we had to drop. It was unfortunate, but Elder Fehlberg and I both felt that he was meeting us mostly out of English interest and not to learn about the Gospel. We encouraged him to start attending English Class and as he does we can keep good contact with him and help him to join the Church at a later date.
The Christmas time is so awesome! It's been so exciting to watch it unfold and be able to help the people of Korea unterstand the true meaning of Christmas! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I know that He lives. He was born in a manger 2000 years ago. He served and taught His own and they rejected Him. He died. He lived again. He lives today.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
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