Title - In Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader goes to the new Death Star, which is under construction, and asks the Commanding Officer how it's going. He says that they're not on schedule because they need more men. Darth Vader says, "Then you can tell the Emperor when he arrives." The Officer says, "the Emperor's coming here?"
Pics - Rocking his "Huck Camp 2016" Spirit while hiking in Korea (awesome!); Elder Wasson from one of Elder Huckvale's home wards; Elder Eads (Elder Huckvale's MTC companion - and yes... he really is that tall!) and Elder Ridge - both of the Seoul South Mission
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 13:28:45 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was really great! Elder Bednar came to Seoul and we had a combined mission conference with Seoul South. I got to see a lot of really familiar faces this week!
On Monday we had dinner at a meat buffet with a recent convert. It was really great! We committed him to read the Book of Mormon daily which is something that he's been struggling with.
On Tuesday we got to go to the temple and it was awesome! After we had finished our session we were outside taking pictures and all-of-a-sudden the missionaries going home from the Busan and Taejeon missions pulled up (since there's not a temple in their mission, they get to go to the Seoul once on their last day). Among those returning missionaries was Elder James Wasson (from my home ward) and Elder Noah Hoffheins (who I met at Camp Helaman). It was really crazy to see them after two years on the other side of the world. Like what the heck.
Elder Wasson and Elder Huckvale. So crazy!
After that we went to a sushi buffet with some of the other elders and then to Costco to get snacks for the Halloween party we're putting on with one of the other wards in our stake.
On Wednesday we went and had a special conference with Elder Bednar! It was awesome! I got to see Elder Eads and Elder Stapp who were in my MTC district as well as all of my previous companions that have been out in the boonies for the past few transfers.
Elder Eads (Elder Huckvale's MTC Companion - and yes... he really is that tall!) and Elder Ridge,
both from the Seoul South Mission
They got to cross the river to go to the Conference.
Seoul Mission on one side of river, Seoul South on the other.
And the conference itself was awesome!
Elder Bednar came, he ministered, and then he was gone.
On Thursday we had a lesson with a less-active that we've been working with and it was really good! We taught him the first lesson in five minutes and then had him teach it to us and he did a really great job! It's really awesome to hear his testimony and feel the Spirit witness that his words are true. At that time I really felt like I fulfilling my purpose as a missionary to help strengthen the faith of those I teach. We're trying to get an interview set up for him with the Bishop so that he can go to the temple with the ward this weekend to do baptisms for the dead.
Anyways, I had a lot of really cool spiritual experiences this week and I am so grateful to be serving a mission at this time in Korea. This week we started a mission-wide program to read the Book of Mormon together by December 1st. While I was reading in 2 Nephi I came across this verse that really impacted me.
And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness.
-2 Nephi 5:27
Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is living after the manner of happiness. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that this is His great and marvelous work. No matter what forces rally against us, as long as we are on the Lord's errand, nothing can stop us.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Hiking last week on PDay. Totally rocking his "Huck Camp 2016" t-shirt in Korea! Love!!!