Title - In "The Empire Strikes Back", Luke has seen a vision of Han and Leia in danger. He wants to rush to help them, and by so doing, interrupt his Jedi training with Master Yoda. Yoda is trying to convince him not to go. While he's trying to convince him, Obi-Wan's ghost shows up, also trying to talk Luke out of leaving. And Luke says, "but I can help them. I feel the Force." Ben says, "but you cannot control it. This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the dark side of the Force."
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 11:56:48 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week has been so great! It's been a really hard and disappointing week, a time of trying and testing, but there were still many miracles to be found.
On Monday night after p-day ended we had a music proselyting activity and it was awesome! We went to this intersection that has a bunch of academies on it and Elder Pelina and Elder Bradshaw came and performed on the piano and the violin while we talked with people. There were six members from the ward that live in the area that came out to help which was so awesome! They kind of just stood there as we proselyted to people, but just them being there was a huge help and they all had a really great time. I think our ward mission leader, 김영기 (Yung Gee Kim) uploaded some pictures and videos to the Facebook.
On Tuesday we had planned to meet with our investigator who was scheduled to get baptized this week, 김상수 (Song Soo Kim), but he called about an hour before and said he couldn't meet with us that night. We called a few days later to see when he could meet us, but he told us that because he only has three months before he has to take some big test, that he's going to be really busy preparing for it and it will probably be difficult to meet in the future. It was a pretty discouraging time. We've been trying to call him and text him, but since then we haven't been able to get a hold of him. The struggle. I think that he feels a little bit discouraged and maybe a bit uncomfortable because we decided to push back his baptismal date. He had met a lot of the members of the ward and so when I relayed the news on Sunday they were a little bit dissappointed as well. We'll keep praying for him and trying to contact him.
On Saturday we met with a new investigator who was met by missionaries in another area and referred to us. He said that he wanted to meet us right in front of one of the giant churches in our area and so we were a little concerned that it was going to be a trap, but it was actually really good. We met him in front of the church and then we followed him to a nearby coffee shop and talked introduced ourselves and our message to him. He doesn't have any religious background so we're going to have to take things slow with him, but he's super nice and open to hearing our message.
On Sunday morning we had our ward testimony meeting and all of the four missionaries from our district went up and bore their testimonies and it was really awesome! We also had a less-active that we've been working with go up as well and tell his story about how he overcame depression with the help of Jesus Christ and the the members of the Church. It was a really awesome testimony meeting! All of the members really enjoyed it and really enjoyed that we all went up and bore our testimonies.
Although this was kind of a struggily week, it was still really great. The Lord has truly blessed me for having the opportunity to serve here in 상계 (Sanggye), and in the Korea Seoul Mission. I have truly come to love the people and even though I still have five months left of my mission, I hope that I can spend it here among the members of the 상계 ward. As I think about this, I am reminded of Ammon's words to King Lamoni when he is first brought before him in Alma 17:
"And the king inquired of Ammon if it were his desire to dwell in the land among the Lamanites or among his people. And Ammon said unto him: Yea, I desire to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die."
Alma 17: 22-23
I know that this is the Lord's work and that no matter how difficult it is, the Lord is guiding it and as I remain true to the faith, and put the effort forth to do my best, relying on the Lord and His Atonement, He will steer me down the right path, and I, and all those who follow this course, will be able to recieve everlasting life.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
8:30pm 갑자기 Member Visits = Eating Pizza at the Door
English Class
I thought my mom would appreciate this. My "1st-day-of-school" photo. :)
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