Title - In "The Phantom Menace", Anakin and his friend, Kitster, are trying to get his pod racer working. With the help of Qui-Gon Jinn giving him a missing part, it fires up and Anakin declares, "It's working! It's Working!".
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 11:55:22 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was really great! The work in 상계 is starting to pick up as we work on finding new investigators and working to strengthen the relationship with the ward as well as their desire to do missionary work.
On Wednesday we had a zone meeting which was really awesome! We focused a lot on repentance and how we can teach it better to our investigators and the other people we meet. I took a lot away from it but the most important thing that I took away from it was that by teaching repentance, we aren't just teaching the principle of repentance, but we're teaching people how to follow Christ. That is the doctrine of repentance.
On Thursday we met with a guy named Ben who we met last week on the street whose wife is a Tongan member living in Utah. The lesson went pretty well. He treated us to 짬뽕 (Jom Bong) which is like this spicy fish soup which was really good. After that we got to know him a little bit more and talked about our message and about how it's centered on Jesus Christ and how we can come closer to Him by reading the Book of Mormon. He took it pretty well and seemed interested in meeting with us again.
Later that night we went to a less-active member's house in our ward a performed a mini-music night based on how families can be together forever. Elder Brantley played his guitar and we sang some primary songs. It was really awesome and something that we're going to try and do with the less-active and part member families in our ward.
On Friday Elder Tapan and I went on an exchange and were able to meet a ton of really awesome people! One of the people we met turned out to be the friend of one of the less-actives Elder Tapan's team is working with who he was planning on referring to them. That was a really huge miracle! That night we went out to visit a member, and even though they weren't there, we met a really awesome kid on the way who we set up a return appointment with for this week.
This week I was really praying that we would be able to get an investigator to church this week, and while we weren't able to this week, I was really surprised on Sunday when 6 less-actives came. It was a huge miracle! One of them was a guy that we met on the street who we have been trying to visit for the past few weeks.
On Sunday night we had a our stake missionary fireside which was amazing! I got to see some of the members from my last ward, 장위 (Jangwee), including my recent convert, 김상하 (Songha Kim), and a less active that I had been working with, 최재원 (Jaywon Chwe), who started coming out to church actively right after I left the area. It was so awesome to see how much happier they've become as they've embraced the Gospel in their lives!
Sometime the miracles seem small, but they're there! It's so important to recognize the miracles, especially amidst the rejection and punking and disappointment. There is a light! That light is Jesus Christ! He lives and He guides this work!
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
P.S. I'm sorry for the Phantom Menace quote dad. It's what I said after Elder Brantley was able to unclog our toilet a few days ago.
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