Title - In "The Empire Strikes Back", Darth Vader has just revealed that he is Luke's father. He is trying to lure Luke to the Dark Side, by telling him that if they combine their powers, they can rule the galaxy together.
Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 11:44:22 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
I got transferred this week to 상계 (Sang gye) and it's been a really awesome first week here with my new companion, Elder Saunders.
Sang gye is actually right next to my last area, 장위 (Jangwee), and seems like it's going to be really fun serving here. Elder Saunders is the zone leader and the other zone leader is none other than Elder Brantley who was in my district when we were combined with our neighboring area when I was in 장위 (Jangwee). Elder Brantley and Elder Saunders were companions originally, but they split their area so that Elder Brantley could train. Elder Brantley is training an elder named Elder Tapan who's from the Philippines and has a really big heart and is really good at Korean already. The sisters in our district our Sister Shaver (who was in my district when I was in my second area, 금촌 (Geumchon) and she is finishing the training of Sister Murillo who is also from the Philippines. Also, Elder Saunders was in my district when I was Jangwee and we were combined with our neighboring area. I feel like this is the Elder Huckvale dream team right here.
Anyways we've been meeting with a lot of Elder Saunders' investigators over the past few days and they aren't really progressing so we're going to have to really work hard at finding new investigator in the ensuing weeks. We had this really cool lesson with a lady who has some status in her church and we really powerfully and boldly invited her to be baptized, but she rejected. Both Elder Saunders and I felt that she felt the Book of Mormon is true, but she is really concerned with finding evidence for it in the Bible. It was a really awesome lesson though.
The ward here is really great and there is so much potential in this area and I'm really excited to see what can be done here as we trust the Lord and work hard to do His work.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
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