Title - In "Return of the Jedi", Luke and Darth Vader are light saber dueling and Luke has a moment where he's able to hide. Darth Vader is looking for him, and starts to antagonize him, to try and coax him to come out from hiding. While he's doing this, he figures out that Luke has a twin sister, Princess Leia. Then Darth Vader says, "if you will not be turned to the Dark Side..."
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:11:02 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
It's been another week here in 장위. Elder Shepherd and I were able to see a lot of miracles this week and were able find some really great people! The weather's getting better and as the weather gets better, my belief that Presidnet Sonksen is trying torture us gets stronger and stronger.
On Wednesday we had interviews with our mission president, President Sonksen and it was awesome! I talked with him a lot about how the work is going in our area and what I think that we need to do to get it moving faster. It was really great! After the interviews we had our district meeting which also went really well. I gave a training on finding, particularly finding on the street and it went really well.
On Thursday night we met a new investigator named 이현구 (Hyungu Ee) and he's really cool. He's really at a prime time to learn the Gospel. He just graduated college and is the middle of searching for a job so he has a lot of time. He's really cool and seems to have a really strong desire to find the truth.
On Saturday we had a stake music night and it was awesome! The struggily part was that we had to travel back and forth to the stake center in our neighboring area 3 times in one day because we kept having to bring things over there. Struggily. There wasn't a big turnout at the performance, but it went really well and we had a potential investigator from English Class come and he seemed to really enjoy it. Nice!
On Saturday afternoon, we also had the really cool opportunity of meeting with our newly-called bishop and coordinating with him on what he think the ward needs to help get the work going. It was a really great meeting. He really stressed working with the youth in the ward and working through them to find new people to teach.
I am beginning to realize now more than ever that the Lord truly is preparing people to hear about the Restoration of the Gospel. We just need to be prepared ourselves to find those prepared people.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
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