Title - In "Return of the Jedi", while on the planet Endor, Luke Skywalker (not Huckvale) turns himself in to the Empire and confronts Darth Vader (Luke's father). Luke believes that there's still good in Darth Vader. Luke is trying to convince Vader of this by telling him to "let go of his hate".
Pics - The massive banana bread cookie; they got a new flavor of Mt. Dew!
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 13:37:36 +0900
Hello my adoring fans!
This week felt so long yet it went by super fast! Elder Shepherd and I are still struggling to find new investigators, but we're going to try some new methods of finding this week so hopefully we'll be able to get some return appointments and get the work moving!
This week, especially with the Easter season approaching, we are really trying to get the members excited and involved in helping to share the message of the Resurrection of the Savior with their friends and family and invite them to the mission's Easter music night.
On Monday we had dinner with the Stake President, 송병철 (Byung Chur Song) and his wife and afterwards we helped them to choose someone they could invite to the music night and then roleplayed inviting that person with them. It was something that we learned about from a different set of missionaries and it worked out really well. The stake president told us that what we were asking them to do was really easy. Classic stake president being an incredible missionary.
On Tuesday, since Easter is this month, all of the district leaders in the mission went and participated in the Missionary Leadership Council with all of the zone leaders. It was so awesome! The greatest part of the meeting was when the Assistants to the President gave a training on the importance of love as being a leader. Apparently our mission is really low on quality leadership these days so it was something that President Sonksen really wanted to talk with us about. He also talked about developing a sarcasm-free mission (this may be difficult for me). Especially when I was a younger missionary, I think that when I thought of a leader I just thought of someone who inspired other missionaries and just worked really hard and raked in a ton of stats at the end of the week. I realized at the meeting, though, that love is what makes a leader.
On Wednesday we had our zone meeting which was pretty good. There wasn't much training, we just talked a lot about Easter and what ideas we have that we could use to share the message of the Easter season.
On Thursday we went out and visited a bunch of people from our ward and also did our service project. For a service project, we go to the community center and get food and deliver it to people in the neighborhood who are tight on cash. We usually stay a little bit longer and share a message with one of the people we deliver food to named 이동희 (Donghee Ee). Last week and this week we decided to bring 김상하 (Songha Kim) with us when we went to visit him. Since we've been bring Songha Kim, we've been able to have much better conversations with Donghee Ee and have been able to help him see how the Gospel can really change someone into something better. On Thursday night we also went out and visited a member family in our ward and shared the same message with them about inviting their friends to the Easter music night. We brought them cookies as well which they really enjoyed!
On Saturday and Sunday we had stake conference which was pretty good. Songha Kim came to both sessions and really seemed to enjoy it. President and Sister Sonksen both gave talks in Korean! It was really impressive!
That's pretty much it for last week. We also did a lot of baking. I tried to make some nutella-banana cookies but it just turned into banana bread. It tastes good though! This week we've got a few appointments lined up and we're going to throw together a mini MTC for the ward Family Home Evening on Saturday night.
All in all things are going great! I'm so excited to be out here in 장위 (Jangwee) serving the Lord and His children! Especially during this Easter season I am so grateful for the Atonement of the Savior and His Resurrection from the dead. Because of Him there is no reason to ever be sad or depressed. In the end all things will be overcome through Christ. Hallelujah to His name!
"There is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ" -Mosiah 16: 8
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
There's a new flavor of Mt. Dew in Korea... and these two are excited!!!
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