Title - In Star Wars (duh), Luke is searching for Obi-Wan Kenobi (without knowing who he is). Obi-Wan had been going by the name "Ben" for years and years... Luke is trying to find him and he's asking around. He runs into "Ben" and asks if he knows who "Obi-Wan" is, and he ("Ben") responds, "Obi-Wan (Ben), now that's a name I've not heard in a long time". Make sense? Alluding to the fact that on our Mother's Day phone call, we all kept saying "Chad!!!!" and he's not used to hearing that anymore... he's only used to hearing "Elder Huckvale".
Note from mom - We got to talk to Elder Huckvale on Mother's Day! It was so amazing!!! He sounded AWESOME and he's loving Korea! He hasn't eaten anything weird - we asked (no pig intestines or squid... yet!); he sleeps on a mat on the floor; he has a regular toilet not just a whole in the ground (important thing to know!); and is just having a great time! Also, we asked him if all the Korean's loved him because of his red hair, and he said that they don't believe that he's truly American because he's not tall. (I guess to be American you have to be tall. Oh well.) We had him do a giant family prayer in Korean at the end of our phone call and it was so cool! We didn't understand any of it, except for the "Jesus Christ's" and "Amen", but it didn't matter! The spirit was still there and so strong! Love our boy!!!
Happy Mother's Day folks!
I got to call my family an hour ago! Noice!
Anyways, this week has been awesome! I made it past my first transfer! Yeeeeeah.
Alright, let's start with last Tuesday when we had P-day and my family probably thought that I was dead...
We have an elder and a sister from our zone leaving this week to go home and the sister couldn't have a zone activity on Monday because she had to go do something else before she could go home so we got permission to have P-day on Tuesday. It just also happened to be a Korean national holiday known as Children's Day. I think that it's like Mother's Day or Father's Day but for children. I think they have it because kids are in school like all the time so they don't really get to spend much time with their families during the school year. So anyways, we went to a massive park for our zone activity and there were so many people there it was crazy. We just kind of like played games and ate chicken. It was pretty nice to go out and be in the sun playing games and stuff, but I got roasted because I didn't put on any sunscreen. Classic Elder Huckvale, when are you going to figure out this whole sunburn thing. So after that we taught English class and all of the people there were really worried about me. I was all like "I'm okay, this isn't the worst it's been. It's all good." They were still worried, but it's cool.
On Thursday I went on exchanges with my district leader, Elder Bean, which was pretty fun. It's always good to see some different ways and to hear some different thoughts about doing missionary work.
On Friday, Elder Jeong and I met up with this 13-year-old kid who we met a few weeks ago after one of our appointments. His name is 이준웅 (Ee Junung) and he brought his friend with him. We talked with a little bit to get to know them and then we showed them the Restoration video. It went pretty well. After the video we asked them if they wanted to be baptized on June 14 and 이준웅 agreed but his friend said he didn't know. We got our first baptismal date though!
On Saturday, the Young Women in the stake did like this fundraiser thing in the parking lot of the Sindang church building where I'm serving. It was pretty awesome. They were selling food and clothes and stuff to raise money for the young women program. There was a kid there who was like 7 or 8 years old who was trying to sell his Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He was a really good salesman. He kept trying to tell the missionaries that they could give them to boys when we are proselyting as a pass-along card. I didn't buy any but some of the other elders did.
Then earlier today, I got to call home which was awesome! It was weird that they called me by my first name. I love my family so much!
This week has been great! I am really beginning to notice that as Elder Jeong and I do all that the Lord has asked of us, that we can accomplish amazing things! We're shooting for 10 baptisms by the end of my second transfer! If we remain faithful and diligent, it can be done! Anything is possible with the help of the Lord!
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
Macy asked if he was sleeping on the floor and to see his bed... so here ya go!
His apartment. They hang their clothes on those racks to dry.
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