Title - In "Return of the Jedi", C3PO is delivering a message from Luke Skywalker to Jabba the Hutt. In the message, Luke tells Jabba that he can keep the Droids as a gift and that "both are hardworking and will serve him well".
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 14:29:31 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week seems like it was really slow, but there were actually a lot of random things that happened.
Oh also, I've been in Korea for a year! How crazy is that?!
On Tuesday we got to go to the temple! It was so incredible (as usual)! After the temple we headed out to the office to do a workshop which was really awesome. We received training from the Assistants to the President on improving how we give commitments to get baptized as well as how we can better-work with the members in the ward. The training was really great. We did some roleplays and it was really humbling for me. I realized that I'm not as good at doing the things that we were trained on as I thought I was and that I still have a lot of work to do. It's good thought because now I know exactly where I need to put my efforts towards.
The District - Sister Campbell, Sister Allsbrook, Elder Huckvale and Elder Shepherd
On Wednesday Elder Shepherd and I decided that he could be senior companion for the day. He did a great job! I could tell that it was really stressful for him because he'd never had an opportunity to to it before, but yeah he did a great job! We spent most of the day visiting potential investigators and hunting for less-actives that the ward asked us track down. Afterwards we streetboarded and at night we went to English class.
On Thursday we went to visit a less-active sister in our ward who's son is also less-active and we used to visit frequently until he moved. When we went to her house, her son was there. We were really surprised and excited to see him. Apparently he's resting right now because his new job that he got has been really stressful on his body. Anyways, we talked with him about his mission and talked about his divine potential. It was really great to see him again, but I'm really hoping that he goes back to work. After we met him we met an old guy whose elementary school is right next to the church building in another area. We made an appointment to talk with him this week.
On Saturday we went out to one of the subway stations in our area to do some group proselyting activities, but we were outrun by some people campaigning for congressman or something. It was really interesting. People campaign in a way different way here than they do in America.
Campaigning in Korea. Much different than the US. :)
On Sunday we met with 이상호 (Songho Ee (our recent convert who ran away from the music night last week)) and the lesson with him was interesting. One of the members in our ward is moving to Texas this week so we had a farewell party for her and her family at the church building. We had a lesson with Songho and were planning on taking him to the party, but he left after our lesson. The party was really great though. We were able to talk with a lot of the members and say our final goodbyes to the sister who left. It was great!
Transfer calls are this Saturday and I've been in 장위 (Jangwee) for four transfers now so I could be leaving, but I don't know. Anyways, my time in Jangwee has not been the easiest time of my mission. In fact, I'd say that it's definitely been the hardest. I think though, that I've definitely grown more in these past four transfers than I have in the rest of my mission. There's opposition in all things for a reason.
I know that Jesus Christ lives because through the hard times and the disappointments, He is the one that's stood by me through it all.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale
One year ago! What a baby!!!
Celebrating one year with Japanese food (in Korea!) using his super cool light up lightsaber chopsticks!
Being reflective. :)
A member sent me the rest. So AWESOME!!!