Title - In "The Empire Strikes Back", right before the battle of Hoth, Luke hops in his snowspeeder and asks his gunner, Dak, how he's doing. Dak replies, "I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself!". And Luke responds, "I know what you mean!".
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:49:27 +0900
Hello My Adoring Fans!
This week was really slow. There was a lot of finding involved and there probably will be this upcoming week as well as we search for new investigators. But we got to go to the temple! Nice!
Tuesday was temple day! It was so great! There's nothing more empowering and rejuvenating than being able to enter into the House of Lord and do His work of bringing salvation unto mankind. Afterwards Elder Crisp and I went to the War Memorial Museum which was pretty fun. Elder Crisp had never been before so he wanted to go. And so we went. It's a freakin huge museum in the middle of Seoul that pays tribute to the history of war in Korea (specifically the Korean War).
At the Temple With the District
Top: Elder Brantley, 헉배일, Elder Hong, Elder Houston, Sister Azounia (?), Sister Bell
Bottom: Sister Allsbrook, Sister You, Elder Cable (Not Pictured (for some reason)
Elder Huckvale and Elder Crisp
In front of the War Museum
Elder Huckvale looking down the barrel of a very large gun.
On Sunday we were able to meet one more time with a less-active member from our ward that we've been visiting every week since I've been in this area. We wanted to visit him one more time because tomorrow he's moving to a different area across the Han River so we probably won't be able to see him again. We talked with him a little about his life story (which has been incredibly difficult) and of course got tips from him about how we can more better work with the members of the ward to get the work moving in our area. He is such an incredible missionary and it's just really frustrating that he decided to go less-active. I think though that him moving away from Jangwee will ultimately be for the better; it will give him a new start.
After we talked with him at his house, he came Elder Crisp and me and took a taxi to meet up with the other missionaries in our area to do streetboarding. Classic 최재원 (Jaywon Chwe).
We were also able to meet with Songha Kim a few times this week which was pretty great. He's progressing so well and was able to receive the Aaronic Priesthood last Sunday. Nice! I'm so grateful that we've been able to teach him and show him the Gospel. He's come so far in such a short time! Such is the way with the Gospel.
Other than that there wasn't that much going on this past week. Elder Crisp and I are in the finding stage of missionary work. Just like many of the hard things in this life, especially in the the Gospel, it's difficult, but it's necessary.
I am so grateful to be serving my mission and I am so grateful for the light that this Gospel brings in such a dark and confusing world. Jesus Christ is the Light which we must hold up; He is the Light that we must all look towards for our hope. He is the Savior of the world and the Only Begotten Son of God. I know that He lives.
Love and Miss Y'all!
Called to Serve!
Elder Huckvale